SEO For Speech Therapy Websites
SEO is sooooooo much more than 3 letters.SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a multi-layered, complex, and ever-changing topic. The big picture of SEO is how you get people to find your site on a search engine (like Google) and engage with it.
Speech Therapy Websites
Looking for speech therapy website design and speech marketing??? We specialize in private practice speech therapy websites and speech marketing.
Why You Need to Blog
Private practice blogs are essential for SEO, finding clients on google, and free marketing.
Free Screenings. Why And How They Work In Private Practice Marketing
Free screenings are a proven private practice marketing strategy for speech and occupational therapy private practices.
3 Investments Every Private Practice Needs To Make
Speech therapy private practice marketing tips that will help you grow your private practice.
Understanding ROI: Why A Speech Therapy Website Is A Great Investment For Private Therapy Practices
How much should you invest or spend on a speech therapy website? Let's look at how your website is going to work for you and what kind of return you will get on your investment.
What Makes A Great Home Page For Your Speech Therapy Website?
Who are you? Where are you located? What do you do? Do you understand my problem? Can you help solve it? Why choose your practice over another? Who’s providing the therapy? Where will we do therapy? How do I get started?
Collaboration Over Competition
As therapists, we are honoring our desire to help people. Speech-language pathologists are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable populations. Whether you are focused on pediatrics or adult therapy, your skill set can positively change a client's life forever.